Fry cook at The Krusty Krab(1999 - present), has also been a cashier, waiter and manager Manager of The Krusty Krab 2 Creator and short term owner of the Pretty Patties (in Patty Hype)Store Owner of the Krusty Krab Mayor of New Kelp City Manager of Krusty Krab, and Shiny Object Collector of The Krusty Krab(SpongeBob SquarePants Battle for Bikini Bottom the Video Game)
Hall Monitor
SpringBoob SquirePin in Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy II The Quickster Short Order Boy
Idiot Boy SpongeBob RoundPants/SpongeBob UnderPants
MuscleBob BuffPants
DadMom AngryPants
Spongy Gratingbob Shrillpants Sponge-Hog Spongebob ScaredyPants Hans Sponge-Brain The Yellow Avenger
The Bird Man of Bikini Bottom CheeseHead BrownPantsFry Boy Knucklehead McSpazzatron
Spongeboy Mebob
SpongeBob SquarePants (born July 14, 1986) is the main protagonist and the eponymous character of the Nickelodeon animated comedy series of the same name. He was designed by marine biologist and animator Stephen Hillenburg, and is voiced by Tom Kenny. SpongeBob's a childish, joyful, eccentric sea sponge who lives in a pineapple in the underwater city of Bikini Bottom. He works as a fry cook at The Krusty Krab,
a job which he is exceptionally skilled at. SpongeBob lacks a lot of
knowledge and is a constant annoyance to those around him (especially Squidward Tentacles),
but he is very good natured. He appears in all of the episodes in the
series. He later was soon to be Nickelodeon's main mascot. In Patrick SmartPants,
when Patrick is smart, he refers to SpongeBob as "Robert". It is
unknown if this is SpongeBob's real name or just Patrick sounding smart.
Tom Kenny
SquarePants is a cute sea sponge but he is drawn to resemble a
kitchen sponge, being rectangular and bright yellow with a dark brown
outline. In earlier episodes, he is wider near the top and gets skinnier
going further down, but in more recent episodes, he is a more of a
regular square shape. SpongeBob has large blue eyes, a long, slightly
curved nose, a large mouth with two prominent front buck teeth, and
dimples with three freckles on each cheek. He typically wears a white
shirt with a red tie, black leather shoes with shoelaces, and brown
rectangular pants with a black belt (the entire outfit is sometimes referred to as his "pants", hence his name). While working at the Krusty Krab,
he wears a tall, white hat with a small blue anchor on it as a uniform.
SpongeBob sometimes sleeps in his underwear, and at other times pajamas
(beginning in Season 5). Though SpongeBob has always been voiced by Tom Kenny, his voice has changed over the course of the series; his voice is lower than normal in the pilot episode, and after the movie, his voice gets slightly higher-pitched. And also, SpongeBob never passed Boating School.
Spongebob when excited.
SquarePants is a very clueless, abnormal, immature, fun loving and
hyperactive character with a happy-go-lucky personality. He is an
extremely determined person, and will often stop at nothing to
accomplish a task. He is also somewhat dramatic to the people who are
kind to him, for example, to the Mailfish.
He is also very over-confident. Sometimes though he shows his devious
side when trying to get Mr. Krabs and Plankton to work together. He also
sometimes tends to make a big deal of small problems, such as losing
his name tag.
SquarePants is very kind-hearted and innocent, and very rarely
acts openly mean to anyone, even his enemies. He is a very selfless and
loyal person, especially towards those close to him. His selfless nature
is most notably shown in "Best Day Ever",
where he sacrifices his "perfect day" to help his friends. Despite his
well-meaning intentions, SpongeBob's actions often annoy and cause
trouble for those around him, most notably his next-door neighbor, Squidward Tentacles.
SquarePants can become scared easily and usually panics when
frightened. He is afraid of the dark (or what's in the dark) and clowns.
Occasionally, SquarePants is too ignorant to notice impending danger
and his unworldly thinking may put himself or others in peril. He also
can't detect lies or malice information as easier as the other
characters, mainly due to his naive nature.
SquarePants' innocence also makes him overly trusting and very
gullible, and he is easily manipulated by people who intend to use
and/or harm him, such as Squidward, Mr. Krabs and Plankton;
most noticeably, he is always easily fooled by Plankton no matter how
bizarre or obvious his disguises are. Even though he's generally
good-natured and easygoing, when frustrated and angered, SquarePants can
be sarcastic, rude and 'foul-mouthed' to his friends, even Mr. Krabs,
whom he treats as a father figure/deity. Ironically, the funny fact is,
Squidward is the only character that SpongeBob never insults when he's
angry, with the exception of the episode, "Breath of Fresh Squidward".
Antagonistic Side
SquarePants is intelligent and his antagonism does not excuse him at all, including annoyance.
In "Nasty Patty"
he helped Mr. Krabs create a tainted patty to "kill" the health
inspector. They both thought the health inspector was a fake one. He
even put the nastiest things on the patty.
In "Squirrel Jokes"
He made fun of Sandy by calling her stupid. Even he promised Sandy that
no more squirrel jokes, he broke the promise. And he told Sandy that
people laugh "with" her but they laugh at her. However this stopped once
Sandy started being dumb and injured Spongebob.
In "Pranks a Lot" he and Patrick trespassed and scared everyone, and attempted to burn Mr. Krabs' money.
In "Party Pooper Pants" Squidward went to his party when his cables were cut, obviously by SpongeBob.
In "Squidward, the Unfriendly Ghost"
He sent Squidward up in the sky even though Squidward said no more
favors. But this was because he thought that Squidward was still dead.
In "Rodeo Daze"
He kidnapped people, who wouldn't help him, to help him save Sandy from
a rodeo. That is technically illegal because it counts as kidnapping.
In "Toy Store of Doom"
He annoyed an employee by singing. He also hid in the store past open
hours and someone could have thought he might have been robbing the
In "Just One Bite" He forced Squidward to eat a Krabby Patty by handcuffing himself to Squidward.
In "Ripped Pants" He tricked the life guard into thinking he was dying but it was a prank just to say he ripped his pants.
In "Sailor Mouth", He used foul language, along with Patrick. (mostly sounding like aquatic animal noise's)
In "The Thing", He and Patrick antagonized Squidward by asking so many questions.
In "Walking Small" He ruthlessly took what he wanted and accidentally drove everyone from the beach but he was tricked by Plankton.
In "The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie" he ruthlessly scolded Mr. Krabs (though drunk but he was at the Goofy Goober place so there is no alcohol drink's sold there since it's a kids area) because Mr. Krabs didn't make him the manager of The Krusty Krab 2.
In "Best Day Ever" he scolded everybody who made him fail in having the best day ever.
In "Driven to Tears" he tore up Patrick's license and threw it out.
In "Squidward in Clarinetland" Squidward must go through torture SpongeBob created to find his clarinet.
In "A Pal for Gary" he scolded Gary for "being mean" to Puffy Fluffy, when it is actually Puffy Fluffy who is being mean to Gary. (and turned scary)
In "Stuck in the Wringer"
SpongeBob scolded Patrick for getting him stuck in the Wringer, and for
not helping him at all (and also blinded by the point that Patrick
tried to help, but SpongeBob was blinded by his general stupidity),
Patrick runs off crying and all the Bikini Bottomites turn on SpongeBob
telling him that he deserved what he gotten, sending SpongeBob in deep
In The Other Patty he created a new restaurant called The Flabby Patty which proves to better than the Krabby Patty.
So he forces Mr. Krabs and Plankton to work together (much to their
dismay) to get the recipy which they finally do, only to find out it
wasn't a real recipe. And spongebob revieled it was he who created the
Flabby Patty just to get them to work together.
Scapegoat Side
In New Student Starfish
Patrick came with Spongebob to Boating school in which he wrote a
letter calling Mrs. Puff a big fat meany and handed it to Spongebob.
Mrs. Puff then took away one of Spongebob's good noodle stars eventhough
it was Patrick's fault. However Mrs. Puff probably did find this out
when patrick said "See you spongebob, see you big fat meany."
In Stanley S. SquarePants
Spongebob's cousin works with him at the Krusty Krab (as Squidward
moved away) he broke many things which Spongebob claimed were his fault.
However eventually Spongebob couldn't take it anymore, and explained it
was Stanley's fault.
In Keep Bikini Bottom Beautiful
a piece of garbage fell off a statue of Squidward (made of garbage) so a
cop gave him and Squidward a ticket for it eventhough it fell off on
its own.
SpongeBob's bones in I Had An Accident
Like many other cartoon characters, SpongeBob has been shown to have
numerous extraordinary abilities and attributes over the course of the
series (even though physically weak).
Soft Pliable Body: Due to his soft, pliable frame, he is capable
of shape shifting, has some degree of invulnerability, being able to
absorb any type of physical impact, shown most notably in the episode, The Bully.
Regeneration: It is shown that he can quickly regenerate parts of his body that are injured or removed.
Boneless: SpongeBob is usually shown to be boneless (sea sponges being invertebrates) however in some episode like I Had an Accident are shown on its X-rays.
Absorbent: Being a sponge, he is also absorbent, and can expand
his body by absorbing liquids. When he cries, he often re-absorbs his
tears. Such as in The Bully when Flats the Flounder kept on hitting him but Spongebob just absorbed all of his blows.
Singing and Nose Playing: SpongeBob is shown to possess a
fantastic singing voice. He uses his nose as a flute, which he is very
good at. He was also the lead singer in Band Geeks.
Fry-Cooking: SpongeBob has a job cooking Krabby patties at the Krusty Krab.
Jellyfishing: SpongeBob and Patrick have jellyfished in several episodes, in Jellyfish Hunter, he caught every single jellyfish in the fields.
Survival Skills: In To Save a Squirrel, SpongeBob and Patrick almost ate each other to survive.
Bubble Blowing: SpongeBob can perform extraordinary moves with bubbles.
Driving: He drives perfectly in various episodes but he drives literally on the episodes which had the appearances of Mrs. Puff.
Karate: He trains Karate perfectly but he rarely mix them up.
Near-Death Experiences
SpongeBob's life has most usually been in good luck at his Boating School driving
tests, where he gets himself and others (usually Mrs. Puff) injured or
almost injured from his reckless driving. He also gets injuries from
extreme sports with Sandy and the Radicals, Patrick, or living like
Larry. He also almost froze to death in Frozen Face-Off.
He also almost didn't make it against the Big One in Spongebob vs. the
big one. He one time almost got eaten and starved to death in To Save a Squirrel. SpongeBob was not concentrating and cracked his butt, in which the doctor said he was one of the lucky ones to survive in I Had an Accident.
Creation and development
Stephen Hillenburg intended to create a series about an over-optimistic sponge that annoys other characters. Hillenburg compared the concept to Laurel and Hardy and Pee-wee Herman. As he drew the character, he decided that a "squeaky-clean square" (like a kitchen sponge) fit the concept.
The first concept sketch portrayed the character as wearing a red
hat with a green base and a white business shirt with a tie.
SpongeBob's look gradually progressed to brown pants that was used in
the final design. SpongeBob was designed to be a kid-like character who
was goofy and optimistic in a style similar to that made famous by Jerry Lewis.
Originally the character was to be named SpongeBoy but
this name was already in use. This was discovered after voice acting for
the original seven minute pilot was recorded in 1997. The Nickelodeon
legal department discovered that the name was already in use for a mop
Upon finding this out, Hillenburg decided that the character's given
name still had to contain "Sponge" so viewers would not mistake the
character for a "Cheese Man." Hillenburg decided to use the name
"SpongeBob." He chose "SquarePants" as a family name as it referred to
the character's square shape and it had a "nice ring to it".[4] The
"Cheese Man" mistake was used twice, CheeseHead (or CheeseBoy by the
citizens of New Kelp City) was used as SpongeBob's fake first name in WhoBob WhatPants? and Timmy Turner mistakingly called SpongeBob "a giant block of cheese" in the video game Nicktoons Unite!
Although SpongeBob's driver's license says his birth date is July
14, 1986, which would make the character 12 (nearly 13) years old at
the time of his debut appearance on May 1, 1999, Hillenburg joked that
he is fifty in "sponge years". He explained that SpongeBob actually has
no specific age, but that he is old enough to be on his own and still be
going to boating school. The decision to have SpongeBob attend a boat
driving school was made due to a request from Nickelodeon that the
character attend a school.
SpongeBob is voiced by veteran voice actor Tom Kenny. Kenny previously worked with Hillenburg on Rocko's Modern Life, and when Hillenburg created SpongeBob SquarePants, he approached Kenny to voice the character. Hillenburg utilized Kenny's and other people's personalities to help create the personality of SpongeBob.
The voice of SpongeBob was originally used by Kenny for a background character present in a crowd scene in Rocko's Modern Life.
Kenny forgot the voice initially as he created it only for that single
use. Hillenburg however remembered it when he was coming up with
SpongeBob and used a video clip of the episode to remind Kenny of the
Kenny says that SpongeBob's high pitched laugh was specifically aimed
at being unique, stating that they wanted an annoying laugh in the
tradition of Popeye and Woody Woodpecker.
In SpongeBob SquarePants' broadcast in non-English
languages, the voice actors dubbing SpongeBob's voice use Tom Kenny's
rendition of the character as a starting point but also add unique
elements. For example the French version has SpongeBob with a slight Daffy Duck style lisp.
According to his driver's license in the episodes "Sleepy Time" and "No Free Rides", SpongeBob was born on July 14, 1986. (his age is 26) SpongeBob SquarePants lives with his pet snail Gary in a large pineapple-shaped house on 124 Conch Street, Bikini Bottom. His next-door neighbor, Squidward Tentacles, who lives in an Easter Island head,
hates SpongeBob and is constantly annoyed by his antics. SpongeBob is
oblivious to this, and believes Squidward to be his friend. Beside
Squidward's house is the home of SpongeBob's best friend, Patrick Star, who literally lives under a rock.
SpongeBob works at the Krusty Krab, Bikini Bottom's most popular restaurant, where he is a fry cook and prepares all food served at the Krusty Krab, most notably Krabby Patties. The first episode
of the series depicts SpongeBob applying for and being hired to this
job. He says that it has been his lifelong dream to join the Krusty
Crew, and that only now is he "ready". When he applies for the job,
Squidward and Mr. Krabs, wanting no part of him, send him on a fool's
errand for a "hydrodynamic spatula with port and starboard attachments
and turbo drive". While he is out searching for one, several hundred
hungry anchovies
arrive and overwhelm Squidward and Mr. Krabs. SpongeBob soon returns,
having actually found a hydrodynamic spatula, and saves their lives by
feeding the anchovies, showing off his amazing cooking skills in the
Spongebob's house is an orange pineapple with fully furnished
windows and doors and even a gas pipe. Apparently when he first moved to
Bikini Bottom, he viewed many different houses, but none seem to his
liking. Just as he was about to give up, a pineapple from a boat above
the water falls into the sea and land onto the space that was
Squidward’s garden where Squidward was still gardening in. He loves the
house and buys it, leaving Squidward in misery by losing his garden and
having Spongebob living next to him.
SpongeBob is not only extremely good at his job, being able to
produce a Krabby Patty within seconds, but has a strong passion and an
abnormal love for it; somewhat of a workaholic, he enjoys his job more
than any other activity, and is saddened whenever he cannot be at work.
He also has a similar obsession with Krabby Patties themselves; he has
on numerous occasions proclaimed them to be the best food in the world
and in "Just One Bite" and "Shuffleboarding",
he is shocked and horrified to see one thrown away. SpongeBob is one of
the few characters to have fingers and the only main character to wear
shoes. He is apparently very good at his job, because he is the Vice
Assistant General Manager of Certain Things (Stanley S. SquarePants (transcript). He also has been shown making a perfect Krabby Patty on his first try when he was a baby.
SpongeBob's skills as a fry cook could accurately be described as superhuman; in episodes such as "Help Wanted" and "Employee of the Month", he is seen making them at rates of hundreds or even thousands per minute. He has won 374 consecutive Employee of the Month awards at the Krusty Krab. In "Friend or Foe", it is shown that SpongeBob, as an infant, made a perfect patty on his first attempt. In "Neptune's Spatula", he is able to pull the Golden Spatula from the grease, making him the "chosen one" of King Neptune. In that same episode, it is shown that the burgers made by Neptune himself are horrible compared to SpongeBob's.
Squidward, the restaurants only other employee, runs the cashier
and takes orders. Squidward is the polar opposite of SpongeBob; he hates
his job (as well as the Krusty Krab itself) and performs it poorly.
SpongeBob's and Squidward's boss, Eugene H. Krabs,
is extremely greedy, selfish and abusive of his employees. He pays them
extremely poorly, far below legal minimum wage, and is unhealthily
obsessed with money. Despite this, SpongeBob is unquestioning of Mr.
Krabs and looks up to him as an authority figure.
While not working, SpongeBob spends much of his time playing with his best friend, Patrick Star.
Like SpongeBob, Patrick is childish, moronic and fun-loving. The two
have known each other since early childhood, and are members of the
"Best Friends Forever Club".
Their usual activities include Jellyfishing,
bubble blowing, and various others. Their antics are of constant
annoyance to their neighbor, Squidward, who has on numerous occasions
been put in harm's way as a direct result of their actions. Despite
Squidward openly hating SpongeBob and Patrick, they are completely
oblivious to this and believe they are his best friends. SpongeBob and
Patrick's favorite superheroes are Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy, who they convinced to come out of retirement.
SpongeBob's other best friend is a squirrel from Texas named Sandy Cheeks, who wears a special suit and helmet to survive underwater. SpongeBob first met
Sandy when he saw her wrestling a giant clam, which he helped her
defeat. Sandy then invited SpongeBob to her home, an airtight terrarium
known as the Treedome,
and SpongeBob, not knowing what air is, accepts. When he comes to the
Treedome and realizes that there is no water, he begins drying up and
attempts to survive without water, telling himself that he doesn't need
it and that "Water is for quitters!" Eventually, however, he gives in
and starts panicking. Eventually, Sandy gives SpongeBob and Patrick
bowls of water to wear over their heads, which they typically wear
whenever they visit the Treedome.
Unlike Patrick, Sandy is very intelligent, both technologically
and practically, but is tolerant of SpongeBob's stupidity and enjoys his
company, and in some episodes, it is implied that Sandy has even raised
SpongeBob's intelligence considerably. They enjoy doing extreme sports
together, most notably Karate.
SpongeBob's skill in karate is shown to vary considerably between
episodes; at times, he equals and even outmatches Sandy in skill, while
at other times he is incompetent to the point where Sandy can send him
flying a considerable distance with a single punch; in "Karate Island",
Sandy openly states that her karate skills are better than SpongeBob's
by "a country mile." SpongeBob has also, on various occasions, been
hinted to have a crush on Sandy, even though SpongeBob staff has been
known to disprove it.
SpongeBob also attends Mrs. Puff's Boating School,
where he is periodically tested for his driver's license. However, he
becomes extremely nervous and reckless when behind the wheel of a boat,
and has consistently failed his test countless times, often injuring Mrs. Puff and/or damaging the school and/or the entirety of Bikini Bottom in the process. According to the episode "Mrs. Puff, You're Fired",
SpongeBob has failed the exam 1,258,056 times, and is the only person
in the history of the school to ever fail it. In that same episode, Mrs.
Puff describes SpongeBob as "unteachable". Despite his inability to
properly drive a boat, SpongeBob has been shown to be able to drive/ride
various other things capably, including a rock, a rocket ship, a sandwich and a submarine.
SpongeBob claims that he does know how to drive, but simply panics
behind the wheel and cannot concentrate. In "Mrs. Puff, You're Fired,"
SpongeBob receives extremely good training from Mrs. Puff's extremely
tough military-esque replacement and learns how to drive capably, but
can only do so while blindfolded due to the teacher's strict drills and
very specific teaching methods.
Although SpongeBob has several friends, and many of the citizens
of Bikini Bottom often treat him quite friendly, most, if not all,
citizens of Bikini Bottom have been shown to have some degree of dislike
for him. In the episode "Gone",
it is shown that a holiday called "National No SpongeBob Day" has been
started by the citizens of Bikini Bottom. As its name suggests, it is an
entire day dedicated to getting away from SpongeBob, where the people
leave Bikini Bottom for the day. Even Patrick goes, stating that
everyone needs at least one day away from SpongeBob's laughter. In the
ceremony, they build a giant wooden effigy of SpongeBob, burn it down,
dance on the ashes (though some, like Squidward, are actually shown kicking
the ashes), and depart Bikini Bottom. SpongeBob is more honored than
insulted by this, as he was the "inspiration" for the holiday.
Sometimes, SpongeBob is a nudist. His tendency to take off his clothes whenever he wants to. He was shown naked in Ripped Pants, Nature Pants, The Paper, Hooky, Pranks a Lot, All That Glitters, Rise and Shine, Overbooked, and Model Sponge.
SpongeBob got nude when he wanted to live with the jellyfish in Nature
Pants. And in Model Sponge, SpongeBob, got undressed when he is used in a
sponge commercial. In Pranks a Lot, SpongeBob and Patrick had to strip
in order to use the invisible spray. In Overbooked, during the
presentation, he is requested to undress and enter the machine.
Villainous Role
Nasty Patty - For burying a dead person and poisoning the health inspector.
Doing Time - Driving crazily into a delivery truck.
Driven to Tears - Claims that he threw out Patrick's license out of the window (litterbug).
SpongeBob has many relatives, most notably his parents, who appear in
several episodes. Unlike SpongeBob, who has the appearance of a kitchen
sponge, most of SpongeBob's relatives, while still cartoony, resemble
actual sea sponges, being round in shape and brownish in color.
In "SB-129", a robotic descendant of SpongeBob named "Spongetron" is seen, as well as a primitive ancestor. "Ugh"
features a caveman version of SpongeBob known as "Spongegar". Spongegar
is distinctly different from the primitive sponge seen in "SB-129",
being more evolved and closer to his modern counterpart. "Pest of the West" features Spongebuck SquarePants, an ancestor who saved Dead Eye Gulch in what is now Bikini Bottom from Dead Eye Plankton in 1882.
For the majority of the series, SpongeBob takes the job of a fry cook in the Krusty Krab.
Acting like a workaholic, he treats his job seriously and with dignity.
Primarily, he works as the janitor and fry cook but occasionally takes
the role of the cashier and manager.
SpongeBob also has been shown to have taken other jobs such as Mayor of New Kelp City after saving the denizens from The Bubble Poppin' Boys.
He created the Pretty Patties and opened his own store, which was
highly successful. Later, the painted food poisoned the many consumers
that admired the creation. In "Model Sponge,"
SpongeBob seemingly hears he was to be let go, but he mistaken himself
as the person to vacate his current life. Throughout his unemployed life
during the episode, he tries to apply for many jobs, but he wasn't
qualified for them as he was meant for the fry cook role at the Krusty
Krab. He has also Worked at Fancy during the worker switch.
Throughout the run of SpongeBob SquarePants, the SpongeBob
characters have become very popular with both children and adults.
The character's popularity has spread from Nickelodeon's original
demographic of two to eleven-year-olds, to teenagers and adults, including college campuses and celebrities such as Sigourney Weaver and Bruce Willis. indicates that the unadulterated innocence of SpongeBob is what makes the character so appealing.
SpongeBob has also become popular with gay men, despite Stephen
Hillenburg saying that none of the characters are homosexual. The
character draws fans due to his flamboyant lifestyle and tolerant
The popularity of SpongeBob translated well into sales figures.
In 2002, SpongeBob SquarePants dolls sold at a rate of 75,000 per week,
which was faster than Tickle Me Elmo dolls were selling at the time.
SpongeBob has gained popularity in Japan, specifically with Japanese
women parent company Viacom purposefully targeted marketing at women in
the country as a method of building the SpongeBob SquarePants
brand. Skeptics initially doubted that SpongeBob could be popular in
Japan as the character's design is very different to already popular
However, not all reception for SpongeBob has been positive. Many
viewers, particularly those older or some that consider them "above" the
series, find his character to be very obnoxious and/or annoying. Such
issues have been amplified since season four and onwards as hundreds of
formerly loyal fans turned on SpongeBob due to a "quality loss", in
which the character's antics and mannerisms are significantly up played.
AskMen's Top 10: Irritating '90s Cartoon Characters ranked SpongeBob at number four. The publication said that his well meaning attitude is "extremely annoying."
An alternate SpongeBob exists in a world where Plankton
was successful. Like his mainstream counterpart, he likes his career,
likes promotions and gets sad when he makes an error in someone's order.
The most significant difference is that he was made co-cashier by
Plankton and is employed by him.
An alternate SpongeBob is mentioned in every short of the series, What if SpongeBob was Gone
is one example: without him, Gary threw a humongous party that ended in
disaster; Patrick in this universe cannot hunt jellyfish properly;
Sandy gets injured when playing karate and the Krusty Krab ends in ruins
and all would say except Gary, everything's better with Spongebob.
SpongeBob also has friends from other universes as shown in the
video game Nicktoons Unite and its other sequels, Nicktoons: Battle for
Volcano Island, Nicktoons: Attack of the Toybots and SpongeBob
SquarePants featuring Nicktoons: Globs of Doom. In these games, he and
Patrick befriend Timmy Turner (as well as his fairy godparents Cosmo and
Wanda), Danny Phantom, Sam Manson, Tak, ZIM, XJ9/Jenny, Stimpy, Jimmy
Neutron, Tucker Foley, Goddard, Rocko, and Gir.
Patrick Star: SpongeBob's best friend and neighbor.
Sandy Cheeks: SpongeBob's second best friend. Many fans speculate whether they have crushes on each other. In "Truth or Square",
when SpongeBob was trapped in the air duct, he remembered a marriage
between Sandy and himself; however, it was only a stage show and not an
actual marriage.
"Today's the big day, Gary!" (first line, Help Wanted)
"There it is. The finest eating establishment ever established
for eating: The Krusty Krab, home of the Krabby Patty, with a Help
Wanted sign on the window. I've waited years for this moment. I'm gonna
go in there, march straight up to the manager, look at him straight in
the eye, lay it on the line, and - I can't do this!" (Help Wanted)
"Bring it around town. Bring it around town!" (Bubblestand)
"The Krabby Patty Secret Formula is the sole property of The
Krusty Krab and is only to be discussed in part or in whole with its
creator, Mr. Krabs. Duplication of this Formula is punishable by law.
Restrictions apply. Results may vary." (Imitation Krabs)
"If we're discussing the Secret Formula on the third Wednesday
in January and it's not raining outside, after we gargle vanilla
pudding, what do we do?" (Imitation Krabs)
"Well, it's no secret that the best thing about a secret is
secretly telling someone your secret, thereby secretly adding another
secret to their secret collection of secrets. Secretly." (The Secret Box).
"I'm wearing three pairs of underwear right now!" (The Secret Box)
"I have to skip town, start a new life, live under an assumed
name! BobPants SpongeSquare! Yeah, that's good. Grow a beard and shave
it off, and live happily ever after!" (The Bully)
"Hey, you know, life's like a bucket of wood shavings, except
for when the shavings are in a pail, then it's like a pail of wood
shavings!" (The Bully)
"Good afternoon, sir. Could we interest you in some chocolate?" (Chocolate With Nuts)
"Remember that time that me and Sandy got married?" (Truth or Square)
"Squidward, that wasn't the peace treaty, that was just a copy of the peace treaty." (Snowball Effect)
"It matters not whether one is dirty or clean... for can
cleanliness exist without filthiness? And would filthiness exist without
cleanliness? (The Battle of Bikini Bottom)
"If I have to memorize a single order I think I'm gonna explode!" (Squilliam Returns)
"Airline food. My gosh, what is up with that stuff? Thank you, good night!" (Walking Small)
On some occasions, SpongeBob wears glasses, like for
Jellyfishing (for protection) or for reading. These are similar to those
worn by his portrayer, Tom Kenny. Spongebobs glasses
In seasons one and two, his eyes are larger compared to other seasons.
In Help Wanted, it is revealed that his first words were, "May I take your order?” However, this is wrong, as in Truth or Square
his first words are "Krabby Patty". Though, in Truth or Square, he was
still inside his mother's womb, so when he said "May I take your
order?”, it may have been after he was born.
If SpongeBob was born in 1986, than when the episode "Sleepy Time"
first aired in 2000, he was only 14. If that is so, than he is a
fourteen year old kid living by himself, and he does go to high school
like Pearl. And he got a job at 13(or almost 12).
SpongeBob has displayed some forms of telepathy. This usually is displayed in form of jokes about how annoying he can be.
Sleepy Time - SpongeBob affects his friends' dreams.
Dying for Pie - SpongeBob says hi to Mr. Krabs in Squidward's thoughts.
The Great Snail Race - SpongeBob asks Gary "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?” Gary thinks about T.V, and SpongeBob replies negatively.
Big Pink Loser - SpongeBob thinks, "At least I'm safe inside my mind". Patrick thinks the same, as a result SpongeBob screams.
Gary Takes a Bath - SpongeBob assaults Gary's mind with a creepy image.
The Hot Shot-
SpongeBob appears to have read Mrs. Puff's mind asking her what
"incorrigible" means and Mrs. Puff said "incorrigible" in her mind.
During the talk screens of the DS version of Creature from the Krusty Krab, SpongeBob has green eyes instead of blue.
SpongeBob is shown to be weak but in episodes like Can You Spare a Dime?, he showed super strength.
SpongeBob has on various occasions, insulted any or everyone
who insults him or rather enrages him, including his friends. Strangely
enough, SpongeBob has never once insulted Squidward except for in Can You Spare a Dime, when he was mad at Squidward for mooching off of him and taking advantage of him while living at SpongeBob's house and in The Abrasive Side where he, due to his abrasive side, has insulted everyone who took advantage of him, including Squidward.
On the cover of the SpongeBob's Box of Books box, SpongeBob's passageway to the esophagus was dark purple. In the books, it was maroon.
Spongebob is the only main character to have a pet. This may be
incorrect because sandy has a snake, a bird and a butterfly and
Squidward has a female pure bred snail. Mr. Krabs also has a worm in
several episodes.
SpongeBob voice changes by the fourth season; it is lighter and
sounds like a complete child. Also his personality changes somewhat to
be even more childish, this affected the episodes plots from the fourth
season onward. It is unknown why this was done. Most likely to attract
even younger viewers, this possibly lessened adult viewers though.
SpongeBob has appeared on a few pictures on
SpongeBob wears green pajamas instead of his usual underwear
whenever he has a visitor or is at a sleepover (usually with Patrick or
Squidward), possibly to make the episode more appropriate.
SpongeBob is a shape shifter in some episodes shown.
SpongeBob is a mascot of Nickelodeon and Nickelodeon Movies.
Spongebob's regular outfit has two shirt pockets, two back pockets, two front pockets, a pocket in his tie, and another pocket.
SpongeBob appeared in every episode of the series, even as a
cameo. He did not miss a single appearance. He's the only character to
hold this distinction.
Most of the time, his pants refer to his entire outfit, including the shirt and tie.
In one episode, SpongeBob was given a ten-dollar paycheck on
Monday. It was a raise from starting out being paid as nothing then
receiving underwear.
In I Was a Teenage Gary,
he is left-handed, but in later episodes, he is ambidextrous. This
could be he was born a dominant lefty, but an accident with his left arm
might have happened sometime after I Was a Teenage Gary, which made him learn with his right or he just learned to right with both hands.
Spongebob is said to be right handed, but in Neptune's Spatula he approved that he had two left hands.
SpongeBob is considered to be the most popular character in Nickelodeon.
In Mrs. Puff, You're Fired, Mr. Fitz states that he has failed Boating School 1025856 times. This is likely an exaggeration.
Beginning in My Pretty Seahorse
and heavily used in post-season 5 episodes, SpongeBob's nose usually
droops down when he is sad, much like Squidward's nose is normally.
SpongeBob's voice actor also does the voices the Ice King in Adventure Time, another show that debuted on Cartoon Network.
In The Fry Cook Games its shows that he hates having his feet lick because he was screaming when Patrick was licking it.
SpongeBob has yet to make an appearance in Bleedman's popular
web comic, PowerPuff Girls Doujinshi. He is only featured in character
Spongebob's head has gotten bigger in each season
SpongeBob's name was originally supposed to be SpongeBoy, but
this name was already in use by a mop product. Mr. Krabs references this
by saying, "SpongeBoy, me Bob!" in the episode "Squeaky Boots".
Even though Mr. Krabs is the creator of the Krabby Patty, in Are You Happy Now? the narrator said he was the creator.
When he goes to the beach, he often wears Swimming Wear, in
earlier episodes they are blue, but they change to red in later
episodes. This is first seen as a cameo in Clams, but is very noticeable in newer seasons.
It was revealed in Love That Squid that SpongeBob is allergic to tulips.
SpongeBob is allegedly to pass his boating test in one of the two currently known season 10 episodes.
SpongeBob's middle name might be Reginald because in SpongeBob's Truth or Square he said it was Reginald although he could have been fake like the voice he was using.
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